Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Mid-Week Music #10 - By Grace

This week, I'm going to show you a song by Christian artist Jamie Soles. He makes songs for children based on the Bible. And usually they're quite fun. Yet I felt like it would be appropriate to include this song now. What with Harvey and Irma, it really relates to the situation of millions of people. This song is about Noah and the Flood.

But there's also a reason why this song is called "By Grace". It's not talking about me, obviously. It's talking about the grace of God. You see, without it, we'd all be dead, or even nonexistent. If God hadn't given Noah his grace, Noah would've gone to the depths with all the rest. Good grief, if God hadn't given it to Adam, the human race would never have even existed!

Yet it goes even further than that. God's grace is at the back of everything, working a purpose, a plotline, a plan, in every little detail. And the story of our world--of all worlds--of everything--would not be except that God had the grace to tell it. For that's what it is: a story. This is something that I believe with every part of my being. Life is a story, and God is the Wondrous Storyteller.

And so you see, even this disastrous hurricane is part of that story. You may have heard stories like it before. I feel it's a comforting thought that we are characters in a story, and one that brings with it many other thoughts: what characters might we be? And whatever happens, we know that the Storyteller is at the back of it, telling our tales carefully, and constantly loving us. All we need do is love Him back.

Some people, though, do more than that. To do what is right is just plain gratefulness to God. And I couldn't mention the hurricanes without mentioning the grateful heroes who give grace to others in need. Because they are just that: heroes. That's the way my story goes.

So without further ado, "By Grace".

(That Noah! He's lost his mind!)
(Yeah, he's building this great big boat!)
(Yeah, and no water!)

In the days before the Flood came
There were many people who wouldn't leave
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord
He believed

Riding waves above the mountains
With his wife and sons and their families
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord
He believed

(chorus #1)
For by grace he was saved through faith
And that not of himself
It was the gift of God
The gift of God
God reserves all glory for Himself

When you come unto the Father
When you love the Son and you now believe
You have found grace in the eyes of the Lord
Be relieved

(chorus #2)
For by grace you are saved through faith
And that not of yourself
It is the gift of God
The gift of  God
God deserves all glory for Himself

(chorus #2)

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