Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Mid-Week Music #22 - Father Christmas

Well, this week's MWM is yet another Christmas song. And once again, it's not exactly a traditional one. That will come next week. However, the movie this song comes from is a tradition in our household, so it might well be considered traditional. That movie is called Scrooge.

It's the one from 1970, the musical, in case you were wondering. I know there've been a lot of adaptations with the same title. We've watched several adaptations of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (the most recent being The Man Who Invented Christmas, which is a marvellous one, to be sure). It may not be the most accurate one--the scene between the final ghost and Scrooge's awakening shows that very clearly--but few have made me quite so happy as this one does every time. Highly recommended.

But moving on, why this song in particular? Well, first, we are going to start watching Scrooge tonight (or we plan to). But we also plan to get back to reading The Nicholas Book again. The Nicholas Book is a novel set in 1959, and written by my daddy, William Chad Newsom. The story is about a pair of twins--Joshua and Rachel--who go on a Quest to find out the truth about Santa Claus. We've read it every year since... well, possibly since it was published. It's one of my favourite traditions. If the idea interests you, please take a look at it!

Of course, this song isn't the best source of truth on Santa. No indeed. The boys are simply calling old Scrooge by the name of Father Christmas to mock him. It's not very serious. But it is quite fun. And you know how A Christmas Carol ends. In fact, the same boys later change, if not their tune, their words. By the end of the movie, they half believe Scrooge really is Father Christmas himself. And that's a wonder to see.

I suppose in a way, the boys were placing the characteristics and, well, character of Scrooge onto that of Father Christmas. If they were being serious about it, I'd say they were being like Lou Nyten. (Especially in that last line...) But by the end, the character of Father Christmas has been placed onto that of Scrooge. Interesting. But it's getting late, so I must be on my merry Christmas way. For now, here is... Father Christmas!

Boy 1:
Blimey! Who's he?

Boy 2:
That's Father Christmas!

A plague on Father Christmas!

Boy 3:
And he sends his best to you too, guv'ner!

Father Christmas, Father Christmas
He's the meanest man in the 'ole wide world
In the 'ole wide world, you can feel it
He's a miser, he's a skinflint
He's a stingy lout--leave your stocking out
For your Christmas gift
And he'll steal it

It's a shame he's a villain
What a game for a villain to play
On Christmas Day

Every Christmas, Father Christmas
Will be just as mean as he's ever been
And I'm here to say we should all send Father Christmas
On his merry Christmas way!


Father Christmas!

Father Christmas
He's the rottenest man in the universe
There is no one worse, you can tell it

Boy 1:
He's a rascal!

Boy 2:
He's a bandit!

He's a crafty one--leave your door undone
He'll go in your house
And sell it

Boy 4:
It's a crime

It's a scandal
What a game for a vandal to play
On Christmas Day

If you distrust Father Christmas
It's as well to know that I told you so
Cause I'm here to say we should all send Father Christmas

2 Boys:
Father Christmas

2 More Boys:
Father Christmas

2 Other Boys:
Father Christmas

Small Boy:
Father Christmas

On his merry Christmas waaay!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You have no idea of the timing you have. I’m actually putting up a post about Ebenezer Scrooge and A Christmas Carol very soon. I liked that little insight about the character of Father Christmas and Scrooge, there at the end. Never thought of that before!
    I think I watched Scrooge once or twice at my grandparents house when I was younger, but I don’t remember it very well. I do remember this song, and a couple of others. Oh, and my favourite was I Like Life! But I’ve never heard of The Nicholas Book. The truth about Santa Claus... hmm. I wonder what kind of story this one will be. And your dad wrote it? I’ll have to find out a little more.
    And who’s Lou Nyten?

    ~ Clara Murphy, Queen of Fandoms
